What is the difference between mixing and mastering?

Mixing is the process of combining multiple tracks to create a single stereo audio file. This might include adding effects to each individual track such as EQ, compression, reverb and distortion. In the mixing phase, each track can be easily manipulated to create an overall balanced song. Mastering is final process of the track, where the engineer will focus on the song as a whole. This might include tweaking with additional EQ and compression. Typically, this is when the track is made louder to compete with other commercial songs. 


How should I send my tracks for mixing? 

We require each individual stem from your session file with all effects removed. You may export with specific effects such as distortion or flanger, but please remove any compression, EQ, reverb and limiting. Please refer to your software’s manual for further instructions on exporting stems. 


How should I send my tracks for mastering?

We require your track in either WAV or AIFF. When exporting you track for mastering, it should be kept in the same resolution as it was mixed. Please remove any stereo buss processing such as limiting and compression. Your loudest part in the mix should peak no more than -4db on your master bus. This will enable the mastering engineer with full control over loudness and dynamics.


How should I send my tracks for an EP or album mixing/mastering service?

Please place the stems for each individual song in a seperate folder and compile them in a zip file. The zip file can then be uploaded directly to our website. 


Can I send my Logic project file? 

Yes, we do accept logic project files. Please ensure any 3rd party plugins or instruments have been printed. 


What if I am not satisfied with my mix? 

We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our mixing and mastering services. If not, we are more than happy to keep tweaking until you are 100% satisfied.


Are the revisions really unlimited?

We can make as many revisions as you like, free of charge, for up to a month. 


Why does my project require fresh new ears? 

It is common to become ear fatigued when working on a track for an extended period of time. This can often lead to poor mixing decisions and consequently result in an overall dull mix. That’s why a fresh set of ears can help to drastically improve the overall tone and balance of your mix.


How long will my mix take to fix? 

Depending on which package you select, the process may take anywhere from 1-4 days for a Single, 3-6 days for an EP or up to 2 weeks for a complete album.